
We’ve put together a list of some of our favourite resources that can be used by almost everybody. Let us know what you think about our list or tell us your favourites!

Note: We are not affiliated with any of these resources; we’re only sharing this information with the hope that it can help someone out, in the here-and-now.




Guided meditations: Smiling Mind | Calm | Headspace

Task management & Productivity: Todoist | Forest | Trello | Productive - Habit Tracker | Habitica

Mental health: MindShift or MoodMission (CBT-based) | ACT Companion (ACT-based) | Daylio (mood tracking) | Shine (racially-inclusive) | PTSD Coach


Posters & Info.


The Healthy Mind Platter - Learn if you are engaging in these 7 activities most days to optimise wellbeing and productivity.

Clinical Center for Interventions - Info, worksheets, strategies, and tips for a WIDE range of common challenges.

Psychology Topics - Info about many psychology topics, disorders, and individual differences across the lifespan.

Big Life Journal | Growth mindset posters & tips for parents and kids (free & paid resources).


Podcasts & Talks.


Big Life Kids | A podcast for children that teaches growth mindset strategies and shares inspirational stories about overcoming real challenges.

The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain | A powerful talk for parents of teens to learn neuroscientific ways for promoting compassion, kindness, resilience, and well-being in our personal lives, relationships, and communities.

Good Mood Clinic | Provides advice on a broad range of relationship and mental health issues through a schema therapy lens.

The Imperfect Podcast | Resilience Project members chat with guests, who share their struggles and imperfections, that teach valuable lessons.




The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris | Teaches skills and strategies scientifically proven to create real change.

The Whole Brain Child by Dan Siegal | Parenting tips informed by the neuroscience of brain development during childhood.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown | Encourages self-acceptance, rather than doing what you “should” do to impress others.

Something Bad Happened: A Kid’s Guide to Coping With Events in the News by Dawn Huebner | Guides young people (6-12 years) and their carers through tough conversations about national and international tragedies.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

— Benjamin Franklin