

Get out of your head and into your life.

We offer a wide range of counselling services for young people, adolescents, and adults.

Our aim is to help clients achieve their goals and make the changes that they want to see in their lives. We believe that everybody is entitled to lead a rich, full, and meaningful life - in whatever shape or form that looks like for any given person.

Our Psychologists are “client-centred” which means they are highly respectful, empathetic, non-judgmental, and celebrate diversity. It also means that you choose what treatment goals to work on and we will help you get there.

“The cookbook is not the food.

The travel brochure is not the holiday.

The photograph is not the landscape.

The autobiography is not the author.

The portrait is not the model.

The album is not the singer.

The wedding video is not the wedding.

The ‘I’m not good enough’ story is not you.”

— Dr Russ Harris

Skills We Teach

  • Live in the moment.

    Mindfully notice, engage in, and savour your life experiences in the here-and-now. Be present.

  • Embrace your values.

    Build the life and legacy that you want. Be the sort of person you want to be. Be true to who you are, in your heart of hearts.

  • Let it come and go.

    Be an observer of your thoughts and feelings - the good and the ugly. Let things be, just the way they are.

  • Create distance.

    Look at your thoughts rather than from them. Learn the difference between having a thought and “buying into” it.

  • Find self-compassion.

    Build a stronger connection with yourself and find a sense of warmth, closeness, and belonging.

  • Make space for pain.

    Everybody hurts. We don’t have to like pain but it can be helpful to be willing to tolerate unpleasant emotions in order to do something of value.